Question 1
  • red: band 28 (635.72 nm)
  • green: band 19 (547.32 nm)
  • blue: band 10 (458.89 nm)
Question 2
Spectral Profiles for Rock, Vegetation, and Manmade (Road).
For the Vegetation (green line) the Reflectance is high for Near IR vs low for Visible (This is the basis of NVDI=NIR-Red/NIR+RED=1).
For the Road, the you can see the reflectance doesn't change much for wavelength > RED (NVDI=0).
For the Rock (orange line), the Reflectance gradually increases with wavelength. (NVDI would approximate to around .5)
Question 3
Noise Bands:

Band 1-3 (370.43-390.09 nm): The image for this band is all black.The spectrum shows no reflectance.

Band 108-113 (1365.24-1415.07 nm): The image for this band is all black.The spectrum shows no reflectance.

Band 153-161 (1813.16-1880.96 nm): The image is black
Band 162-164 (1891.03-1911.15 nm): There is a large "spike" in this band when looking at the spectrum. When looking at images for these bands it looks "speckled".
Band 165-166 (1921.21-1931.27 nm): Here is still speckled but you can make out the the large features like the mountains/lake.

Band 222-224 (2490.29-2510.10 nm): Band 222 is speckled and 223-224 is black.
Question 4
Scatter plot of Band 69 (Near IR) vs Band 28 (Red). This plots demonstrates the variability in the spectral signatures of the variety of surfaces features visible in our image.