It is very common that your images might be too large. Sitemakr allows you to scale your images to the proper size.Note, you can not scale the images to a size larger than the original upload size. This will cause the images to be pixelated. Also, if possible you should scale your images before uploading them to Sitemakr so that you can reduce the upload time. To scale images:

1) Go to the page with the image you want to scale.

2) Click "Scale Image"

3) Enter the area you want your image to fit into.

Note: Your image will always keep the same proportion, but will be scaled to fit into the area you enter. ie)If your picture was 200 x 400 and you entered scale area of 100 x 300, your picture would actually scale to 100x200 since that is the size that would fit in 100x300 frame.

4) Click submit and your image should be scaled.
Note: some browsers cache the image and you will need to refresh to see the new size. The image might appear distorted due to the caching not displaying your newly scaled image.

Sometimes you have numerous pages of images that you want to scale to the same size. This only works for series of "pages" inside group/subgroup. To scale all these pages to same size do this:

1) Go to one of the pages in the group.
2) Perform steps 2,3 above.
3) Click the "Apply to Entire Directory" checkbox
4) Click submit.

Each page within this group/subgroup should now be scaled uniformly.