The first 4 lines is your form information:
  • Recipients: comma seperated list of recipients emails.
  • Required: the required fields
  • Subject: subject for the email
  • Thanks message: message that appears on submitting form
Following this is 2 carriage returns (one line) and then your form elements. your forms elements take up two lines and are seperated by one line. So to create 2 textboxes for Name and Phone you would enter:



The first line of the element is the label. The second line is input type,input name, followed by options depending on the input type. Here are the second lines for each input type:
  • text: text,input name,width,maxlength
  • textarea: textarea,input name,width,height,maxlength
  • checkbox: checkbox,input name
  • radio: radio,input name,option1,option2,...,
  • select: select,input name,option1,option2,.....
  • divider: divider (Note: no input name needed. divider just puts a divider bar with the label in it)